Purpose of Module:
The purpose of this module is to review the basics of respiratory anatomy and physiology, and the need to recognize and treat signs and symptoms of a patient with respiratory distress.
Time to Complete Respiratory Emergencies Module: 1 hour
Directions for Using the Respiratory Emergencies Module:
* You must spend at least 1/2 hour doing hands-on training.
1. Read the training objectives.
2. Review Brady Emergency Care, Eighth Edition pp. 303-329.
3. Watch the video tape by Mosby "EMT-Basic Video Series Module 4 Respiratory Emergencies "
4. Use the MED EMT computer based training software and complete Chapter 9, Section 2 and Chapter 11 Section 3.
5. Use Respiratory Emergencies checklist and perform emergency care on the adult mannequin.
6. Take the posttest.
7. Give the module back to the instructor or person in charge.
Training Objectives:
1. List the structures and functions of the respiratory system.
2. State the signs and symptoms of a patient with breathing difficulties.
3. Establish the relationship between airway management and patient breathing difficulties.
4. List signs of adequate air exchange.
5. State generic name, forms, doses, administration, indications and contraindications for prescribed inhalers.
6. Differentiate between upper airway obstruction and lower airway disease.
7. Perform steps in the use of an inhaler.
8. Perform steps on an adult mannequin to care for a patient with breathing difficulties.
Activities to Perform:
1. Watch the video tape by Mosby "EMT-Basic Video Series Module 4 Respiratory Emergencies "
2. Use the MED EMT computer based training software and complete Chapter 9, Section 2 and Chapter 11 Section 3.
3. Use Respiratory Emergencies checklist and perform emergency care on the adult mannequin.
4. Take the posttest to give yourself feedback on this module.
1. An adequate rate of breathing, or breaths per minute, for most adults is:
A. 25-50. C. 15-30.
B. 20-40. D. 12-20.
2. All of the following are signs of inadequate breathing except:
A. present and equal breath sounds. C. cyanotic skin color.
B. shallow respirations. D. use of accessory muscles.
3. All of the following are examples of chronic obstructive respiratory disease
(COPD) except:
A. emphysema. C. black lung.
B. chronic bronchitis. D. asthma.
4. A harsh, high-pitched sound during breathing is called:
A. gurgling. C. stridor.
B. crowing. D. retractions.
5. An active process in which the intercostal (rib) muscles and the diaphragm
contract causing air to flow into the lungs is known as:
A. bronchoconstriction. C. expiration.
B. exhalation. D. inspiration.
ANSWERS: (1) D (2) A (3) D (4) C (5) D