
This page was updated: 06/07/2021

Learning Objects

Learning Objects are defined as a structured, standalone resource that encapsulates high quality information in a manner that facilitates learning and pedagogy. It has a stated objective and a designated audience. It has ownership and associated intellectual property rights. As such, its content shall remain unchanged in the process of converting the resource into a learning object.

A Typical Animal Cell The Unipolar and Multipolar Neurons
Anatomy of the Ear The Vertebral Column
Biomolecules: The Carbohydrates Tissue Identification
Biomolecules: The Lipids Transport Processes Requiring ATP
Biomolecules: The Proteins Ascending Tract: The Posterior White Columns
Classification of Joints Respiratory System Gas Exchange
Construction of the Cell Membrane The Autonomic Nervous System - Sympathetic Division
How the Brain Develops The Electrocardiogram
Identifying Eukaryotic Animal Cell Organelles The Neuromuscular Junction
Movement Terminology Heart Anatomy Review
Passive Transport: Filtration and Facilitated Diffusion Fluid and Electrolytes
Physiological Events at the Neural Synapse Arterial Blood Gas
Protein Synthesis Apgar Scoring in the Newborn
Skin and the Integumentary System Apgar Scoring Challenge
The 12 Cranial Nerves Alterations in Fluid Balance
The Actions of Hormones Acid/Base Imbalance
The Appendicular Skeleton Acid/Base Balance
The Axial Skeleton: The Skull and the Rib Cage Anatomic Crown and Root
The Cell Cycle Clinical Crown and Root
The Cell: Passive Transport Diffusion Dental Hygiene: A Case Study for "Tom"
The Cell: Passive Transport Osmosis Stages of Dental Plaque Formation
The Four Types of Chemical Reactions A Comparison of Right and Left Parietal Lobe Damage
The Stress Response The Brain - Anatomy and Function
The Structure of the Muscle Organ The Parts of a Wheelchair
The Two-Neuron Knee-Jerk Reflex Arc The Power Position for a Healthy Back
Calibrating a Thermometer Dietary Manager Training: Beef Cooking Methods
Dietary Manager Training: Calculating FTEs Dietary Manager Training: Classifying Foods According to Nutrient Density
Dietary Manager Training: Cooling Foods by Reducing the Quantity or Size of the Food Dietary Manager Training: Cooling Foods Using an Ice Water Bath
Dietary Manager Training: Diabetes Dietary Manager Training: Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates
Dietary Manager Training: Documenting the Nutrition Care Process Understanding the Nutrition Facts Label
Dietary Manager Training: The Food Guide Pyramid Dietary Manager Training: Preventing Backflow of Contaminated Water into Potable Water
Dietary Manager Training: Pest Management Dietary Manager Training: Lipid Digestion and Absorption
Dietary Manager Training: Hydration, Dehydration, and Elderly Clients Dietary Manager Training: Garnishing
Dietary Manager Training: Evaluating Test Trays NMC Learning Object Repositories
Learning Object Resources Wisconsin Online Resource Center Interactive Learning Objects
DESIGNING COURSES: Learning Objects, SCOs, IMS Standards, XML, SGML, etc. Learning Objects: Collections
Portal for Online Objects in Learning (POOL) The Instructional Use of Learning Objects
WG12: Learning Object Metadata Learning Object Tutorial
Learning Objects Portal Page Sidebars: Learning Objects 101: A Primer for Neophytes
Learning About Learning Objects Instructional Resources - Learning Objects
Courses/Learning Objects Learning Objects - The New Approach in Instructional Design
Learning Object Repositories, Digital Repositories, and the Reusable Life of Course Content Designing & Creating Learning Objects