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Listed below are software packages that may be needed to access some of the information on other sites. You only need to obtain this software if you have a need to see content that you current software does not support.
The ADTDL uses HTML as its primary format for displaying information. The Library takes advantage of many advanced features of HTML (such as frames, and nested tables). Users are encouraged to regularly upgrade to the latest WWW browsers. They will not only provide you with a richer WWW experience, but will also keep you up to date with the current technology. You may be missing a lot if you don't.
The following WWW browsers are utilized by
Several documents are available in Portable Document Format (PDF) for print-on-demand. Unlike HTML, PDF represents the page exactly as it appears in the printed book (including page numbers, and multiple column text).
Acrobat Reader software is required to view PDF files. It is provided free from Adobe Systems Incorporated. Acrobat Reader can be used as a WWW Browser plug-in, or as an external viewer.
Some documents are available in Microsoft Word (DOC) format for print-on-demand. For users who don't have Microsoft Word installed on their PC, Microsoft has made available a free viewer that will display, and print Word files. This viewer is only available for PCs running Microsoft Windows 3.1x, 95, or NT
Some slide show presentations were prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT). Users who don't have Microsoft PowerPoint installed on their PC can use the free PowerPoint viewer.
Some material was prepared using RealNetworks Audio/Video. Users who don't have the Real Player installed on their PC can use the free player available from RealNetworks.
Courseware developed with the Asymetrix Toolbook distributed learning package. These packages can be viewed using the Neuron Plug-In.