Physical Therapy Specialist Course (02-08)
Therapeutic Exercise Podcasts
Recorded May 2008

Track 1 / Introduction to Therapeutic Exercise | 20.9mb - 45:44
To develop the didactic knowledge and clinical skills necessary for the proper instruction and supervision of therapeutic exercise for patients with musculoskeletal and/or medical disorders.

Track 2 / THEREX: ROM Exercise Principles | 17.7mb - 38:46
Given a list, definition, or patient scenario for therapeutic exercise, identify the types, indications and contraindications, clinical applications, and physiologic responses associated with range of motion exercises.

Track 3 / THEREX: Stretching Exercise Principles | 21.0mb - 45:56
Given a list, definition, or patient scenario for therapeutic exercise, identify the types, indications and contraindications, clinicial applications and physiologic responses associated with stretching exercises.

Track 4 / Intro to Extremity Joint Mobilization Part 1 | 21.5mb - 47:02
Identify the procedure (to include positioning, grade, and direction of force), physiologic and accessory motions, end feels, and the indications and contraindications associated with each type of extremity joint mobilization technique.

Track 5 / Intro to Extremity Joint Mobilization Part 2
| 3.41mb - 07:27
Identify the procedure (to include positioning, grade, and direction of force), physiologic and accessory motions, end feels, and the indications and contraindications associated with each type of extremity joint mobilization technique.

Track 6/ THEREX: Muscular Strength and Endurance Exercise | 20.4mb - 44:38
Given a list, definition, diagram, or patient scenario for therapeutic exercise, identify the types, indications and contraindications, clinical applications, and physiologic responses associated with muscular strength and endurance exercises; and apply these principles in a clinical setting.

Track 7 / Elements of Resistance Training | 29.2mb - 1:03:54
Identify, define, and apply the elements of a resistance training program to include exercise type, alignment, stability, and dosage considerations.

Track 8 / THEREX: Closed Kinetic Chain (CKC) Exercise Principles | 18.3mb - 40:06
To implement (and progress) a safe, effective closed kinetic chain exercise program that addresses the specific needs of your patient or client.

Track 9 / THEREX: Balance and Proprioception Exercise Principles | 18.9mb - 41:27
Given a list, definition, or patient scenario for therapeutic exercise, implement (and progress) a safe, effective balance and proprioceptive exercise program that addresses the specific needs of your patient or client.

Track 10 / THEREX: Plyometric Exercise Principles | 13.1mb - 28:37
To implement (and progress) a safe, effective plyometric exercise program that addresses the specific needs of your patient or client.